The origins of smoking:
Smoking is, a phenomenon that has spread in many countries of the world and the circle of this phenomenon includes 5 million individuals from different social levels and all ages. The first person to bring tobacco to Europe was Dr Franhkohr Nndez who was sent on Columbus'1492 expedition by Philip II of Spain. People smoked to overcome hunger and fatigue and so became addicted to tobacco. Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh brought tobacco from the New World to England. Cigarette smoke contains thousands of chemical compounds, and when attracted to the smoker's breath, these compounds go to the respiratory system and affect the brain, heart and arteries, causing the material changes in the physiology
Some of the causes of smoking:
There are many causes of smoking; first you think it helps you to relax then you think that taking a cigarette makes you feel better and you like the smell. Also you think it gives you confidence, and especially in the company of people and you believe that it helps you focus and gives you energy to work or study or you are addicted and feel tired, if not smoking a cigarette. The best plan is to smoke fewer cigarettes each day; for example if you are smoking 20 cigarettes a day, plan the decrease to 4 cigarettes each day; that comes on the fifth day. Do deep breathing several times and do care about something and drink water to fill your mouth.
Major health problems due to smoking:
The major health problems due to smoking are heart attack and stroke and blocked blood circulation leading to amputation of legs; also lung cancer, stomach cancer, cervical cancer and abortion in women with low birth weight; finally it affects children: increasing chest problems such as asthma and pneumonia and bronchitis, and it increases child mortality.
The more you smoke the worse it is, but any amount of it is harmful and dangerous in itself and therefore what they call the medium or low-tar is also harmful; there is no such thing as a safe cigarette.
Stop smoking
• How to stop smoking?
Addiction is difficult to get rid of. And the means used to stop smoking are the same as stopping any bad habit, and the key to break the habit as is follows. You should have a decision to change, and then use awareness training with devised strategies to help you stop the habit. You need motivation and incentive to break the habit. If you really want to stop, it can always be achieved. Those with lung cancer usually stop smoking immediately, no matter how much they smoked the past; they stop simply because they feel the greatest degree of motivation(
Why stop smoking?
Reasons to stop smoking are in two words: health and money. And the correlation between smoking and serious cases of health is stronger than any cause, other than environmental disease; lung cancer is the biggest killer; if you smoke 20 cigarettes or more per day, you're exposed to the death by a heart attack five times more than those who do not smoke. Smoking accelerates hardening and narrowing of the arteries, leading to the faltering blood flow, and the flow of blood to the brain can lead to a stroke, and poor blood flow to the heart muscle can cause a heart attack(
· "How to Quit Smoking." Web. <>.
· "Quit Smoking with Stop Smoking Tips." Stop Smoking Tips - Learn How to Quit Smoking. Web. 07 Jan. 2012. <>.
· "Why Do People Smoke - Reasons Why People Especially Teenagers Start Smoking and Why It Is Hard to Give Up." Help with - Help to Quit Smoking. Web. 07 Jan. 2012. <>.
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